God’s Plan for Marriage
This Sunday’s readings afford us an opportunity to look at the difference between a civil union and a sacramental marriage. It’s a bit of a sensitive issue, but we shouldn’t shy away from looking at God’s plan for marriage. After all, it’s a love story.
We Are All God’s Dear Children
In almost all of the alleged messages attributed to the apparitions in Medjugorje, Our Lady addresses us as “Dear children.”
Graces From Medjugorje
It’s Thursday, September 19th, and we’re just returning from our pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Those of you who were following along on petersboat.net will have some sense of our time there.
Blessings from Medjugorje
You may recall my telling you last weekend that I travelled here on pilgrimage with some people of the parish. We left last Tuesday and will be returning on the evening of the 18th.
When my sister and I were little, our mother would show us a video about Medjugorje. “Look at these children,” she would say to us. “They’re seeing the Blessed Mother. She’s appearing to them from heaven.”
Grace Will Show Up
I’ve been thinking a lot this week about how grace breaks in - how grace just shows up.
Our Lady in Centralia
Have you ever heard of the town in Pennsylvania called, Centralia? Neither had I, but I learned of it this week. The YouTube algorithm gods deigned to reveal to me the little known story of this mysterious place, and I’m glad they did. It is amazing.
Youth Group
“Father, will we ever have a Youth Group here at the parish?”
Yes! In fact, next Sunday, the 25th, Natalie Niemann and I will be hosting a Meet & Greet in the Siena Room following the 12 PM Mass for young adults who are interested in belonging to a team of youth ministers for the teens of the parish.