Our Lady in Centralia

Have you ever heard of the town in Pennsylvania called, Centralia? Neither had I, but I learned of it this week. The YouTube algorithm gods deigned to reveal to me the little known story of this mysterious place, and I’m glad they did. It is amazing.

So, here’s the story.

Apparently, Centralia was founded in 1866 as a coal mining town, and it functioned as such for almost 100 years, until in May of 1962 a landfill fire accidentally ignited the anthracite coal underground, which led to the permanent evacuation of all the residents, and which has been burning ever since. They’ve tried to extinguish the 8 square miles of burning coal mines, but the fires are expected to burn for 200 years more.

The flame and fumes emitted from the coal make Centralia uninhabitable. In fact, heavy fines meet those who break through the roadblocks or sneak beyond the fences. It’s called by some, “the town that’s been on fire for 50 years.”


But all is not lost. Two signs of hope remain standing, overlooking this town now razed to the ground. Among the only structures left in Centralia are a small shrine built to the Virgin Mary by a man whose 80 year-old sons now care for it, and a Ukranian Catholic Church called The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The enduring presence of Our Lady in Centralia reminds me of this statue of Mary that was among the only things left standing in Breezy Point after the fires of Sandy had burned all of those homes.


Truly, even to earth’s ends God has done great things for Our Lady, and if all generations do indeed call her blessed there is good reason for it. She lives with her Son to intercede for us as the Queen of heaven and earth. She crushes the head of the ancient foe, and the fires of hell have not prevailed against her. What’s more, she preserves all who run to her for protection, implore her assistance, or seek her intercession. Never has it been known that anyone who has done so has been left unaided. +


Grace Will Show Up


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