Tuesday, March 25th



Wednesday, March 26th


There is nothing to fear.

You don’t need to remember the prayers.
Nor do you need to say anything
when you come in.

The priest will welcome you.

Prepare your conscience.

How long since your last Confession?
What brings you here now?

How is your relationship with the Church?
Do you want to be closer to the community?

Is it difficult for you to love in a selfless way?
Are you closing your heart to anyone?

Is there anyone you find it difficult to forgive?
Are you holding on to resentment or anger?

Do you make time for prayer?
Do you allow for some silence in your day?

How do you handle anxiety?
Do you turn to pornography, alcohol, drugs?

What are you looking for?
What are you asking of Jesus?

Prepare your heart.

Lord God, I acknowledge that my heart belongs to You, even now, as it has always, since my youth.

And I admit that I turn from You so often that I could never recount all of my sins. Nor do I think you are asking that of me.

I believe that You are asking me simply to come before You with a contrite heart, sorry for my sins.

I am sorry, Lord. Your love pierces my heart, even when I try to forget how much You love me. But I can not hide from You.

You know everything, Lord. You know that I love you. And it is this faith in Your fidelity to me that gives me confidence to come to You, even now. 

So many times, I have lived not by Your Spirit, Lord, but by the evil spirits that prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Draw those spirits out of me, and fill me, once again, with Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of peace.
