Led by Mrs. Amy Keller, this vibrant group of children, grades 2-12, sing at the 10AM Masses a few times a month (occasionally singing at the 12PM Mass instead).
Practice is every week on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30PM.
During rehearsals, the children learn music for Mass, discuss the upcoming Feasts of the Church, play games, and prepare for special events.
The adult choir is open to anyone, even those with no prior musical experience.
As members of the Christ the King Adult Choir, we sing as a prayer to glorify God and to draw each person deeper into the Sacrifice of the Mass.
Practice is 3 Wednesdays a month from 7PM to 8:30PM. During that time we prepare to sing at the Saturday 5PM Vigil Mases 3 times a month and Masses on occasional feast days and solemnities.
To supplement rehearsal time, practice components will be available.
Director: Therese Lock
Children’s Choir
Rehearsals Thursdays
Adult Choir
Rehearsals most Wednesdays

“The verb ‘to sing’ is one of the most
commonly used words in the Bible.
It occurs 309 times in the Old Testament
and 36 in the New.
When man comes into contact with God,
mere speech is not enough.”
— Cardinal Ratzinger
The Spirit of the Liturgy, 2000