Refer to points 1, 2, 3, and 4
when answering the questions
in the box below. Enjoy!





  • 1 Day Only: April 28th

    1PM Ceremony [1-5]: 6:30PM
    4PM Ceremony [6-9]: 7:30PM

  • Confirmation Robes will be handed out.

    Under the robes, boys may wear slacks or khakis, a dress shirt and tie, with dress shoes.

    Under the robes, girls may wear a modest dress or a skirt and top, with dress shoes.


  • You must provide our office with the name your child has chosen for his/her Confirmation name.

  • Your child must pick a Sponsor to accompany & pray for him/her in his/her practice of the Catholic Faith. Sponsors are required to sign and submit the Sponsor form as a formal acknowledgement of this responsibility.

  • As a demonstration of the commitment to a life of virtue, your child is required to complete 2 of the service activities through Christ the King.

  • You child must register to receive Confirmation. A fee of $75 is due at the time of registration. Please submit this form and fee by way of this webpage (below).

  • Your child is required to provide a copy of his/her Baptismal record. This documentation may be emailed to:

  • Your child is required to attend our Confirmation retreat at the Seminary in Huntington on Sunday, April 6th, in preparation for the reception of the Sacrament.

    More details to follow.

  • Your child is required to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) in preparation for the reception of his/her Confirmation.

    Confession will be available for your child on Thursday, March 6th, at 7PM.

Questions? Faith Formation Office.

Sign Up | Offering



Saturday May 10th | 11AM
Rehearsal Wed May 7th | 4:30PM

Saturday May 10th | 1PM
Rehearsal Wed May 7th | 5:30PM

Saturday May 17th | 10AM
Rehearsal Wed May 14th | 4:30PM

Saturday May 17th | 12PM
Rehearsal Wed May 14th | 5:30PM


Saturday March 15th | 11AM and 1PM

All children receiving First Communion
are required to celebrate their
First Reconciliation prior
to March 28th.

Please Read

  • Boys may wear a dark suit, dress shirt and tie, with dress shoes.

    Girls may wear a traditional white communion dress, with dress shoes.

  • Each child will be assigned a pew, which will hold a total of 10 people, including the First Communicant.

    Additional family members may sit in general, unreserved seats on a first come first serve basis.

  • At these celebrations of First Holy Communion, the Eucharist will be distributed only to the first communicants.

Contact us

  • If you have any questions about the program, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.

    You can always email us at

    Or you may wish to call during office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 11AM and 3PM at 631.864.3696

  • THE OFFICE: 2 Indian Head Road, Commack, NY 11725

    THE SESSIONS: Liturgies will always be in the Church. Classes will always be in the Parish Hall.

  • To view the calendar and class schedule for the entire year, click HERE.