To Inquire About
Marrying at Christ the King



Read Before You Proceed

  • Marriages can not be arranged through a third party. It is our policy to speak directly with either the bride or the groom about all matters concerning the planning and preparing of the wedding.

  • Either the bride or the groom must be Catholic. If either were married before to another person, he/she must have that previous marriage annulled or determined to be invalid.

  • Should you wish to marry here on a Friday, please inquire with us about arranging for a visiting priest or deacon to preside at your ceremony, in which case your wedding fee will be reduced by $150 to assist you in providing him with a stipend.

  • While a Nuptial Mass (including Communion) may be requested by the couple in person at the meeting, all weddings here will otherwise be a ceremony. The ceremony is shorter in length (40 mins) and deemed by us to be more fitting for the mix of people who will likely be in attendance at your wedding.

  • Weddings are typically celebrated on Fridays at 3PM and 5PM, Saturdays at 1PM and 3PM, and Sundays at 2PM.

    PLEASE NOTE: The date & time of your wedding can only be confirmed after the in-person meeting.

  • Your in-person visit to the office is an opportunity for us to share conversation with you, and to answer any questions you may have.

    After completing this form, our staff will reach out to you in order to set a meeting between you and a priest here at Christ the King, to finalize date/time and to review the details of the ceremony.

  • The monetary fee for Parishioners is $875. For Non-Parishioners it is $1375.

    Your offering can be paid online or in person within 6 months of the ceremony.


First, take some time to complete
the following questions.

You’ll be asked for some personal
(and other relevant) information,
which will be help us to
determine your preparedness
to marry in the Church.

After you complete and submit
this intake we will contact you
to arrange an appointment to meet
with a parish priest.

* After the meeting.


After you meet with
a priest at Christ the King,
you are invited to proceed with
the second part of the preparation
- planning the ceremony.

Open the form by clicking below,
and refer to this page when making your
selections of readings and music.

  1. Wedding Party Processional

Choose One: This hymn plays
as the wedding party processes
down the aisle.

2. Bridal Processional

Choose One: This hymn plays
as the bride is processing down the aisle.

3. First Reading

Choose One: This reading is proclaimed
by a family member or friend.

Genesis 1:26-28

"God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply. God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good…"

Tobit 8:4-8

"On their wedding night Tobiah arose from bed and said to his wife, 'Sister, get up. Let us pray and beg our Lord to have mercy on us…'"

Jeremiah 31:31-34

"The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah."

4. Responsorial Psalm

Choose One: This psalm is sung by the organist
and cantor between the readings.

5. Second Reading

Choose One: This reading is proclaimed
by a family member or friend.

Ephesians 5:25-32

"For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." This is a great mystery, and I am applying it to Christ and the church…" 

Colossians 3:12-17

"As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and forgive each other…"

Philippians 4:4-9

"Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God…"

6. Marian Hymn

Choose One: This hymn is played should
you choose to carry flowers to the Shrine of
Our Lady adjacent to the altar.

7. Prayer of the Faithful

Choose One: These are read aloud by a family member or friend.

Option 1

"For this bride and groom..." "For their relatives and friends..." "For all families throughout the world..." 

Option 2

"That these Faithful Christians..." "That He will bless their covenant..." "That the grace of this Sacrament will be renewed..."

8. Recessional Hymn

Choose One: This hymn plays as your wedding party returns back down the aisle
at the end of the Ceremony.


  • Couples marrying in the Catholic Church are required to complete Pre-Cana (a Catholic Marriage Preparation Program) before their wedding.

    Joe and Debra Gandiello, our Wedding Coordinators, will contact you regarding your Marriage prep.

  • You will be contacted by the parish office to arrange a date/time for your wedding rehearsal.

    Rehearsal times are dependent on church schedule & minister availabilities and are coordinated separately, apart from this form.

  • Within 6 months of the wedding, an updated certificate will be required from the church where either, or both, the bride and groom were baptized.

  • Within 60 days of the wedding, you must attain a Marriage License from the Town of Smithtown.

    Bring the license to the wedding rehearsal where it will be signed by two adult witnesses (traditionally the Best Man and Maid (or Maiden) of Honor.

  • Florists and limos are permitted. However, please see that only rubber bands are used to affix bows to pews (no adhesives of any kind), and know that runners are not permitted.

    As for alcohol, please see that no alcohol is served en route to the wedding. If either party were to be under the influence, the marriage would be invalid.

Wedding Programs are NOT required.

However, should a couple wish to print and bring programs on the day of the wedding, this order of the parts of the ceremony below has been provided for your convenience.

Know of our prayers for you.

We wish both of you peace as you
prepare for your wedding.