The Process of Maturing
It seems natural to me that we detach from our parents as we grow into adulthood. It seems to me that God designed the human person to do just that. It also seems that the process of maturing is taking longer these days. Nor does it enjoy the success it once did.
A Conversation with Saint Paul
How can you expect me to rejoice when my loved ones are suffering? When people are depressed? When everything is so divided? Saint Paul replies, “Do not reject the Spirit.”
What Happened to the Rules?
It's a question we hear a lot these days. Heck, it's a question we ask a lot these days. And it's understandable, considering how even the once self-evident laws of nature are so often rejected by man. How could we not ask, "What has happened to right and wrong?"
Looking To His Coming Again
I make mention of it on occasion (most often in private conversation), namely, the tradition of celebrating Mass ad orientem (to the east). It’s a term that describes the posture of the priest during the celebration of the Mass.
The Man In Love
If, when King David’s death was approaching, he sent his son, Solomon, to continue the good work that God began in him, no wonder then that Jesus sent his disciples as sons and daughters to continue the good work that God had begun in him.
The Mass Is Helping Us
Because the word “Eucharist” comes from the Greek word for “Thanksgiving,” this might be a good time of the year to give thanks for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. So how do we benefit from the celebration of the Eucharist, anyway?
The Just War Theory
The very idea of war can seem antithetical to Christianity since the Fifth Commandment is often translated, "You shall not kill." However, the text reads, "You shall not commit murder." Sometimes, killing is justified. Therefore, sometimes war is justified.
Big ol' Jet Airliner
"Father, no high school student wants to be a Saint." That's what the Assistant Principal said in response to my suggestion that we should consider adding a Senior Superlative to the Yearbook entitled, Most Likely to be a Saint. "Father, no high school student wants to be a Saint."