1. In the Beginning

God created the whole world
and then He created marriage
when He formed Adam and Eve
saying, “be fruitful and multiply.”

2. The Fall

Satan deceived Adam and Eve.
They sinned against God and
removed Him from their marriage.
Now they and their children
were fighting and unhappy.

3. God’s Faithfulness to Us

Adam and Eve's original sin
brought unhappiness to the world
because turning away from God
reduced our relationships
- with Him and one another -
to mere legal contracts.

But throughout the centuries,
God prepared our hearts
to receive him into our
relationships again.

And then…

4. A New Beginning

There was a wedding at Cana
and the mother of Jesus was there.
Jesus was also invited to the wedding.
When the wine ran out, Mary said,
”They have no wine.” And then
Jesus turned water into wine!

5. God In Marriage Again!

By inviting Jesus and Mary
to their wedding, the couple was
inviting God into their marriage,
as it was in the beginning.

Jesus and Mary are the
New Adam and the New Eve
making all things new, beginning
with marriage, just like God.

6. Contract vs. Covenant

A civil union is a legal contract.
The bond between the partners
is a man-made law.

Matrimony is a holy covenant.
The bond between husband and wife
married in the Church
is God’s grace.

Contact us

  • If you have any questions about the program, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.

    You can always email us at

    Or you may wish to call during office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 11AM and 3PM at 631.864.3696

  • THE OFFICE: 2 Indian Head Road, Commack, NY 11725

    THE SESSIONS: Liturgies will always be in the Church. Classes will always be in the Parish Hall.

  • To view the calendar and class schedule for the entire year, click HERE.